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Miner's News

Power Outage at the Mining Journal; Ad Deadline Extended

October 10, 2019

10-11-2019 Update: Power is back on!

10-10-2019: Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has cut off power to those areas that could be subjected to high winds in northern California and possible wildfire danger as a result of those winds. Unfortunately our area was included even though there are no high winds here. Power for our area was shut off around 11pm on October 9.

Today, October 10, is normally our deadline for advertising for the next (November) issue, but we are unable to get much done here at our office as a result of the outage.

We are extending our advertising deadline until noon on October 11, and will push that deadline out another day if power is not restored soon.

We cannot answer phone lines, but we will answer messages when power is restored. We are working remotely on laptops and we do receive emails, so feel free to email us at info@icmj.com if you need to reach us and we will get your message to the right person.

Thank you for your understanding!

Scott Harn, Editor/Publisher

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