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Prospecting & Detecting

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Stories, tips & tricks

What Equipment Do I Need?

Getting started in prospecting often requires the purchase of some equipment, but one can spend as little as $10 and be finding gold or spend thousands and also be finding gold—yet you will probably have many more opportunities and possibilities with more and better equipment. 

Detecting Alone -- What to Look For

I figure there are a lot of new people out there who have the same question. I will try to give some answers that hopefully will give you more confidence in finding your own spots.

A Trip to Morgan-Monroe State Forest of Indiana

Some experienced panners with the vigor and longevity to spend a full day panning in the small creeks and ravines can possibly find as much as a gram or more on a good day.
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Ganes Creek After The Flood

Doug told me that there had been a 100-year flood that took place in October of 2013 and it washed out part of the mile-long landing strip. It also washed a large, wide gully down below and above the camp.

Ask the Experts

• What to prospect with on the Klamath River

Ask the Experts

• Using drywashers to work desert gravels
Centrifugal concentration is the most effective process for fine gold!

Gully Prospecting and Mining

This article is about our recent gold prospecting adventure, which has yielded over 20 ounces of specimen gold—with more to come.

Finding Streams of Gold

Without knowing or even thinking about it, I had put together a map that showed me a pattern of the ancient Sacramento River channel. I also had a distinct picture of where the ancient channels of several other creeks and rivers were running.

This is Why You Check Your Tailings

The nugget was cast aside with larger rocks during the screening process, but it was found later by an employee...
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There's a First Time for Everyone

...day one was like watching the Gold Rush television show. He furiously worked the nozzle in an up and down fashion that resembled Jack Hoffman sitting on a backhoe.

Ask the Experts

What are the tell signs of garnet deposits?

A Model Mining Operation

After he excavates the ore down to bedrock, he goes over the bedrock with a metal detector to ensure he didn't leave any gold behind before he backfills the area.
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I Finally Made It to Northern Nevada

After a while I got a very nice signal and out came a sweet kidney-shaped bit of gold weighing about three grams.

Sniping for Drought Gold

There are not a lot of tools needed to get out and take advantage of the situation. Other than my wetsuit, I typically travel light with a gold pan, maybe a pry bar and a few crevice cleaning tools.

Successful Rally for Suction Dredge Miners in Idaho

Representative Paul Shepherd stopped by, and Idaho County Commissioner Jim Chmelik dove with one of the dredgers so he could see for himself that no harm was being done to fish or their habitat.
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A Return to Silver City, Idaho

...we were able to pull out close to another 3+ ounces of small, angular Silver City gold. This also included several more small nuggets, pieces of wire gold and some quartz-gold pieces—not bad for 4 days with a small sluice.

Swing and a Miss

A very good baseball hitter might get a hit roughly one time out of every three at-bats, but for prospectors often the results are much sparser and it may take many trips before the prospector hits a home run.

Romancing the Lens

...a large number of these aspiring miners developing their operations seemed to have missed "Placer Mining 101" somewhere along the way.

Want to Go to Australia?

Every year there are large nuggets found by the diligent, and occasionally by the lucky newbie.

Finding Gold with a VLF Detector—Part III

The higher the sensitivity setting, the louder and sharper the signal from a gold nugget or other metal target.


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