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PLP and Mining Districts

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Public Lands for the People and Mining Districts

PLP Update

We’ve built up some contacts in DC during our trips there over the past four years, and we believe we finally have the correct contacts who can get this petition reviewed by the proper people.

PLP Update: The Path for Legally Re-Starting Suction Gold Dredge Mining in 2021

Present conflicts and realizations having to do with dependence on China have illuminated the fact that suction dredge miners have a vital role to play and are an ignored and untapped domestic resource—until now.

PLP Update: Regulatory Relief On The Way

Toward the end of this summer, we expect another Federal Register notice will be published that deals with Forest Service mining regulations.

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PLP Update

I want to stress that this is just the first step to fixing many of the regulatory issues we identified in discussions with the current administration. There will be plenty more to come.

PLP Update

We’ve heard from miners in Arizona about federal agencies closing off historic roads that provide access for miners, and we need your input.

PLP Update

Public Lands for the People has agreed to support the US Supreme Court appeal with financial assistance and with the filing of an amicus brief. (We here at the Mining Journal have also agreed to participate in the amicus brief.)

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PLP Update: A Huge Win for Miners

PLP cannot understate the importance of this legal decision in our present battles with the political powers of the California swamp.

PLP Update: Another Suction Dredge Case Heading to the US Supreme Court

In the meantime, we will continue our multi-pronged approach to seek regulatory relief at the federal level while supporting those court cases that are built on a strong legal foundation.

PLP Update

The miner was drywashing using a small, gas-powered drywasher for a short period of time—maybe an hour—when he was asked by a ranger to see his permit, which is not required to prospect at this small of a scale.

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PLP Update: How to Restore The Rights of Suction Dredge Miners

A two-pronged approach is necessary to restore suction dredging; federal preemption needs to be established as addressed above via petition; and clarification from the EPA is needed to establish that no Section 402 permit is necessary when there is no “addition” of a pollutant.

PLP Update

We are happy to report that the current administration has issued a directive to the Forest Service and BLM to address this concern…

PLP Update

While progress with Congress has been slow, the Trump administration has taken the lead to start making needed changes at the Department of Interior and US Department of Agriculture to support miners…

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PLP Update

Rep. Grijalva (D-Arizona) assumed chairmanship of the House Natural Resources Committee after Democrats took control of the House. He introduced Mining Law Reform legislation that would set us back decades…

PLP Update

Public Lands for the People has established an online petition. We would like to gather thousands of signatures from across the country to show members of Congress that their constituents are supporting this legislation.

PLP Update

The changes we are seeking will most definitely help prospectors, small operations and dredgers. If you haven’t yet read our proposals, you’ll find a link to it at the end of the online version of this article.

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PLP Update

We had discovered during previous trips that some of the staff members had difficulty comprehending the specific issues related to mining, so prior to heading back to DC, we laid out the reasons for our proposed legislation...

PLP Update

We now have supporters who are well known and connected in Washington, DC, and who state they will assist us in bypassing lower level staffers and getting us face-to-face meetings with Senators.

PLP Update

We are heading into 2019 with a cautiously optimistic view. We feel we are very close to obtaining regulatory relief for miners, and believe this NDAA cycle will prove fruitful.


PLP Update

“In light of the results of the midterm elections our focus will be with the US Senators and their staffers that we have already been working with.”

PLP Update

During discussions with other property rights advocates and members of the current administration, Karen Budd-Falen’s name was mentioned many times as a possible director for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).


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