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From reading the land to setting up your equipment

Using Countercurrent Material Flow to Improve Gold Recovery Efficiency

There is a material processing principle widely used in large milling operations to improve recovery that is poorly understood by most of the micro-mining and prospecting community...

Tips and Tricks: A Dredging Tip for Clearing the Tailings Pile

After a short time, the tailings pile can get very large, and can actually block the downstream end of the sluice box.

Hard Rock 101: Blasting With Kinepak Explosives

Fortunately, there are products on the market that can address these problems and make a small-scale mining operation feasible.

Home of the Original Gold Claimer

Hard Rock 101: Advanced Micro Blasting

They… create negligible fumes and much less fly rock than blasting. Below are some tips on maximizing your effectiveness with these tools.

Now Is The Time For Exploration

I’ve been following the precious metals for decades, and I haven’t seen a move this powerful in many years.

Why Assaying Placer Gold Deposits Doesn't Work

Let’s set up a thought experiment: Suppose you had some material that ran one ounce per ton gold, which is generally considered high grade to fantastic grade depending on the circumstances.

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How Should I Work This Prospect?

How big is the deposit? Are there boulders you will need to move? Do you just want to recover the nuggets or do you think there is good fine gold that you will also want to capture?

Tips and Tricks: Preparing Your Dredge Engine for Storage

From this I inferred that engine 2 had a carburetor problem. In this article, I discuss the specific engine/carburetor problem, and the surprising solution to this problem.

More Tips on How to Find Gold with A Detector

When detecting an area that has been cleaned to bedrock and you have new trees growing, always make sure you get your coil as close as possible to the tree. Why?

The most sensitive gold probe available!

What Do You Need For A Successful Micro-Scale Mine?

For simplicity, I will assume that you wish to make enough profit so that you can comfortably pay your bills using just the profits from the mine.

Using Favorable Rock Types to Find More Gold

The more experienced prospectors know these lesser known spots are the types of places where big finds are still made.

Reminder: Annual Claim Filings Due

Mining claimants who wish to retain their mining claims on Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service lands through the 2021 assessment year must pay a maintenance fee or file a maintenance fee waiver certificate on or before September 1…

Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

Prospecting for Copper—What to Look for on the Outcrop

For the prospector, knowing what oxidized hydrothermal alteration looks like in the field is an important exploration tool.

Dredging Tips and Tricks: A Measure of Water Pump Efficiency

…as an academic argument, when mated to the appropriate engine, is the pump really moving water at the rate of 400 GPM?

Hard Rock 101: Small-Scale Blasting

…the process remains much the same: Drill holes, load explosives, close up the holes, blast and muck out the resulting broken rock.

Get the pitch correct on your sluice box!

Hard Rock 101: Micro Blasting

Micro blasting can be used to take down hanging rock, separate minerals from overburden, and collect gemstones and other high-value product with minimal damage.

10 Keys to Prospecting Like A Pro

Want to find a lot more gold when you get out there to prospect? Well I’ve put together ten ideas that I think will help you become more successful…

Practical Advice for Milling Hard Rock Ores

The problem is that extracting gold from hard rock is often a lot more difficult than processing placer gravels. Still, there is some very high-grade ore out there in many old mining areas.


Speed Prospecting for Hard Rock Gold

An online video gave me some ideas, and with a lot of trial and error I developed a reliable method of panning free gold particles down below 35 microns quickly and easily.

Dredging Tips and Tricks: T-80 Air Compressor Maintenance

The next morning, I retrieved the compressor and again attacked the sticky head bolt. As if by magic (and some applied physics) the head bolt sighed and finally broke loose.


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