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Ask The Experts - Where did the gold go?

Ask The Experts - True north or magnetic north?

Ask The Experts - How do I avoid claim jumping?

The BEST Bundle Package and FREE Field Instruction!

Ask The Experts - Are closed placer and lode claims worth my time?

Gold Geochemistry: Where Does Gold Come From?

Prospectors often wonder why gold deposits in veins like it does. Why is one vein rich while another is barren, even though they are only a few hundred feet apart?

Goal Setting and Rock Tossing

Day three was a copy of day two. I started real low in the long wash to see if I could prove how far down the gold had made it.


Principles of Designing Your Mill Production System, Part II: Mill Design

Starting small with quick profitability gives you a lot of financial elbow room plus real-world experience that can be used for final mill design.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Resolution Copper project moves closer to fruition in Arizona

Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: A Claim to Die For

I noticed an area which I could crawl through to keep going in a straight line. I got about three feet into the pile and Bob yelled for me to stop…

We have all the equipment you need! PLUS, Help us name our Fluorescent Mineral Shaft and win some PAYDIRT! Call for details!!

Tips and Tricks: How to Make Your Own Gold Bars Without Burning the Place Down

You find yourself with a bucketful of concentrates that you have accumulated over the season and consider the logical next step: to reduce the bucket of cons to a gold bar. Where do you begin?

PLP Update

I admit I was sitting on pins and needles, waiting to see if President Trump would sign the proposed Executive Order we presented with Public Lands for the People (PLP) prior to the expiration of his term in office.

Understanding Rock Formations: Petrology for Prospectors

There are times when being able to recognize a type of rock can make you a much more successful prospector.

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Minnesota Lawmakers Move to Stop New Mines

Companion bills set to be proposed by state lawmakers and US Rep. Betty McCollum seek to block copper mining on federal lands…

Drywashing for Desert Gold—Part I

If you have a bad case of gold fever like me, then it’s nice to know that you can get some of that pretty yellow metal almost any time of the year, wet or dry.

Seven Troy Ounces of Premonition?

He made some casual conversation until he got around to what really brought him into my camper.

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I Was Looking for Gold But I Found Jade

Excited for this first notable evidence, I returned to that riverbed, looking for another paystreak and obviously more jade.

Melman on Gold & Silver

Along with others named earlier, it is difficult to find any designated nominee seemingly willing to work well with either conservatives or Republicans or Trump loyalists, a fact which seems to suggest a continuing high level of tensions…

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices


The Bawl Mill

• Doing hard time, making easy money
• A cozy bear prevents miners from doing research. Well, sort of...

Happy New Year 2021!


Precious Metals Recovery plants and equipment
Fighting to keep public lands open to the public
Specializing in the processing of precious metal ores!
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