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The Bawl Mill

•  A Perfect Way to Begin 2000...
• A New Way to Fill City Coffers...
• Americans Pay More...
• Mother always told you to wear clean underwear...

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Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Occupancy rules discussed
• Comment period open for small-scale mining and dredging in Oregon

The Bawl Mill

• Let's see what goes on behind closed doors
• Nothing but the best, make that most expensive, for the US
• No exception for taxpayers
• Speaking of waste...
• Trimming the fat

• Uncle Sam needs snitch!

A Data Miner Builds A Power Sluice

Data mining involves processing huge amounts of digital information to find hidden patterns and financial relationships. To executives, the findings are like gold, but on the weekends, I prefer seeing the real thing in the bottom of my pan.

Drilling for Ore

In the simplest sense, drills can be divided by their mode of action—percussion, rotary or a mixture of the two.

Picks & Pans: Auburn Ravine Gold

The high early spring runoff was in full force this late February 2004 day, lapping midway up the floodwall. As my good friend, and mining partner, Eric Johnson and I stood there watching the stream rush by behind his cabin, we wondered aloud what...

Getting Into Hot Water While Reclamation Dredging

Once I started dredging with heated water pumped into my wetsuit, I never went back to not having heat except late in the summer when the water is very warm.

MMAC Update

After many decades of closures, land-use restrictions, and over-regulation, miners and all other public land users may finally see some real relief due to the efforts of MMAC.

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Legislative and Regulatory Update


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