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Picks & Pans: Fig Tree, Grape Vine and Good Gold

The south fork of the Yuba River was still too high to cross safely on the first day of the dredging season for 2002, but Leon was able to use this condition to his advantage. He dredged high on the bank where big dredges would not go and produced...

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Melman on Gold & Silver

Next, all of silver’s chart action since   mid-2011 has taken place under a declining trend line (dotted line), which has held for more than four years. Any trendline of that duration must be taken seriously.

Picks & Pans: Family's Identity Forged Working Nevada's Gold

My mother stands in the desert, a hot wind kicking up puffs in the sand around her feet. She’s staring hard at the rusted buckets, weathered boards and mine shafts scattered throughout the sagebrush, concentrating, and I can tell she’s not really here. Not here now, at least. She is here 65 years ago. And this is not a long-abandoned ghost town at the end of a dirt road in one of Nevada’s endless stretches of nowhere.

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PLP Members Win Occupancy Case—Appeals Continue

Public Lands for the People (PLP) members Ron Lex and his mining partner Ken Waggener of Etna, California, were cited for occupying their mining claim in Klamath National Forest for more than 14 days. The section cited was Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 261.10(b). This CFR states that a special use authorization must be obtained for occupying a claim on National Forest land for more than 14 days. In some forests the time is 30 days.

Melman on Gold & Silver

... if the “renewed prosperity” concept fails to materialize and additional crises are on their way—each one to be met with currency expansions and worsening conditions—then we would speculate that gold and silver will move higher.

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The Bawl Mill   • Our Readers Say   • Lamproites and Diamonds   • Working the Belmont Mine, Butte, Montana—1953 (Part 2)   • A Real Placer Miner   • Mojave Desert Gold   • Miner Unhappy After Judge Dismisses Charges   • Sluicing on Bedrock   • Sandstone Silver in Texas   • A Few Prospecting Notes From Jim Straight   • Explorers to Salvage Gold-Laden Ship   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices   • Looking Back

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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