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Drywashing in Black Canyon, Arizona

After the hike and a quick snack break we gathered a few buckets of material to really dial in the drywasher for the most efficient recovery. This involves leveling the unit, setting the riffle box drop angle and regulating the speed in which the material is processed.

Shallow Water Crevicing Can Bring Big Rewards

Shallow water crevicing or sniping can produce gold if you’re persistent, a hard worker and lucky. It’s nice to have a snorkel, wet suit and goggles. The best practice for success, in my humble opinion, has always been to determine the best gold location and then figure out how to capture it.

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An Expensive Lesson

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Simple Sluice Design

One of the first pieces of prospecting equipment I acquired was a really nice little aluminum backpack sluice. I’ve used it for some time now and have always been impressed with how well it works for keeping the fine wire gold. But ever since I got on the Internet and started looking around for prospecting stuff, I have been toying with the idea of making a flexible conduit sluice.

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ECU Silver Mining Continues The Legacy

Mexico has a lengthy history of mining and one of the regions most associated with that activity is Durango State in the north-central part of the country.

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