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Investing In Junior Mining Stocks

How to invest in junior mining stocks: In order to form a basis for evaluating mining stocks, it is important to understand the progression of projects from the very first glimmerings in the eyes of a prospector to actual, full-scale, revenue-producing production of the metals themselves.

The Juneau Goldfields

The first time I flew into the Juneau area in southeastern Alaska, I was about 5 years old. I recall it was raining and the clouds hung low over the tall mountains. I was sure we’d crash and couldn’t see how the...

Clues for Detecting Ancient River Channels and Flats

The gold in this area can get quite large. Most of the pieces are about half a pennyweight on average.

Slug Gulch

Slug Gulch. What a name. It originates back into the 1860s or so. The question is whether it was referring to the snail-like creature or to large pieces of gold. The name alone is enough for any prospector to consider checking the area out.

The Memorial Day Nugget

After picking up a large grey rock, ready to discard it, I immediately noted it was extremely heavy. My eyes started getting bigger and bigger as I wiped off the surface dirt and moistened it—the color yellow started showing.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Idaho miners will challenge new EPA permit at rally
• California proposes to amend definition of a suction dredge
• Proposed rule redefines "navigable waters"

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• No Adventure Pass needed
• Supreme Court of Canada rules on aboriginal title claims
• No agreement reached in suction gold dredge permitting case

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Legislative and Regulatory Update


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