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Letter to the Editor—From Mike Miller, President, Original Sixteen to One Mine

"Original Sixteen to One Mine, Inc., has emerged from a deep dark abyss created by an agency's bias interpretation of the law. We have made it known that those who make, pass and/or reject the law have generated travesties against our hard working underground gold miners."

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Legislative and Regulatory Update

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The Info Is Out There

While I don’t know the exact date of the map, I know it would have been in the late 1800s, as that was when the pioneers made early gold discoveries in this area.

Prospecting for Surface Flood Gold Placers on Low and Intermediate Gradient Streams

Sample panning is a very important method used to find the richest parts of a flood gold deposit before setting up equipment and running material.

Ask The Experts - Can you recommend resources for southeast Alaska?

Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: The Superbowl Nugget

My next strategy was to walk anywhere and everywhere that I had been inside this home and garage. I looked on the floor, in the bathroom, I checked the bathroom trash can, and I even pulled the shower curtain back and looked in the bathtub.

Prospectors & Attorneys

It is a fact that when most prospectors hear the word attorney they make the sign of the cross and run for cover. I understand all that, but there does come a time when we must face the facts. Sometimes we need them.

The Bawl Mill

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• Deceased still collect wages...

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Legislative and Regulatory Update


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