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Dry Placers in the Kamma Mountains, Nevada

There are dry placer gold deposits in every county in Nevada, some of which are yet to be discovered.

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Gold of Plumas County

Plumas County has a rich heritage of gold mining, much of it from placer deposits that can still be searched and panned today. Being at the far northern end of California’s famed Mother Lode, it is quite often overlooked by those searching for gold today—really a well-kept secret after all of these years!

Finding Paystreak Gold With A Metal Detector

There is no question metal detectors can be used to find paystreaks, but the method I am going to describe may not be exactly the procedure some prospectors would expect.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

As mentioned in last month’s column, California Assemblywoman Lois Wolk attached a rider to the pending budget bill. The rider calls for a new study (Environmental Impact Report) on the effects of suction gold dredging, funding for the study, and a two-year moratorium on suction dredging while the study is being completed.

What's In A Name?

The names attached to these areas came about from many sources. Many are easy to see why the name was given while others had a more contrasting note to them.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Dredging bill needs your attention
• Miners take the offensive
• Cap-and-trade legislation

Picks & Pans: Prospecting on Perry Creek

A couple of years ago Smokey Joe (Joe Parsons) and I partnered up on a placer claim on Perry Creek in southeastern British Columbia. This is one of the old gold creeks from the early days.

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Legislative Update


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