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Convention Report

Mining conferences frequently reflect specific types of information as their focus, and our publication was recently represented at two such contrasting gatherings, the Manitoba Mining and Minerals Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba and the Northwest Mining Association Convention in Spokane, Washington.

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Picks & Pans: Lost Below

The year was 1956. The place was a silver mine in Silverado Canyon, California. To familiarize you with the area, Silverado Canyon is located in Southern California near El Toro Marine Base, which is located near Majeska Peak.

Follow the Line

Four nuggets, ranging from one to four pennyweight, had been found originally. All four nuggets were found in a line about ten feet apart from each other.

The Bawl Mill

• China snaps up American farmlands and more!
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Federal Court to Address Dredge Permits—The Tulloch Rule

Congress passed Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), which was originally called the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 USC 1344, in 1972. Section 404 authorized the US Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) to issue permits “for the discharge of dredged or fill material into the navigable waters at specified disposal sites.”

Old Patch, New Detector

I have been detecting the area on and off since I discovered it. Every time I bought a new detector it was the first place I went to.

Miners: Plan Ahead for Next Year's Taxes

Many well-equipped prospecting or mining operations, those with adequate, up-to-date equipment, have discovered a secret: Uncle Sam, in the form of our tax laws, is eager to pick-up a portion of the tab for acquiring and modernizing the equipment necessary to operate a successful mining operation business.

The Vore Mine

The price of gold has certainly raised some eyebrows and has prompted some new prospectors onto the scene. They are faced with the same problem that we old timers have—where to find the gold.

Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill   • Interview with Congressman Gibbons on Mining Law Reform   • The Art of Finding Coarse Gold Part II—Pocket Hunting for Residual Placers   • Gold Canyon Resources Targets Gallium   • Tucson Mountain Chaos   • Picks & Pans: Auburn Ravine Gold   • Suit Filed to Stop Mining in Northern California   • Niobium and Tantalum   • The Iola Mine Group, Montgomery County, North Carolina   • Effectively Using a Detector and Drywasher for Placer Gold   • Mining Companies Use Conservative Valuations   • Company Notes   • Accident at Robinson Mine Leaves Two Dead   • Looking Back   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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